Category: License Bonds

Coverage of the latest license bond news—new legislation, updated bond requirements, and everything else you need to know about license and commercial bonds. Need to get a license bond or have a business that needs to be bonded? We also offer tips for getting bonds, scaling your business, and finding the best surety bond company.

For specific bond information, check out our license bond guides. We offer guides for auto dealer license bondscontractor license bonds, and more.

JW Surety Bonds

NY Automobile Broker Bond Update

March 9, 2018

What's the New Surety Bond Requirement? The state of New York has increased the bond requirement for automobile brokers from $75,000 to $100,000. This increase will be in effect as of 6/18/2018.    

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JW Surety Bonds

Bonding Insurance Explained

February 27, 2014

People who use phrases like “bonding insurance” or “insurance bonds” are often referring to fidelity bonds whether they know it or not. If you're interested in bonding but are unsure about what options are available to you and what the benefits of each are, this guide will help steer you in the …

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