Category: License Bonds

Coverage of the latest license bond news—new legislation, updated bond requirements, and everything else you need to know about license and commercial bonds. Need to get a license bond or have a business that needs to be bonded? We also offer tips for getting bonds, scaling your business, and finding the best surety bond company.

For specific bond information, check out our license bond guides. We offer guides for auto dealer license bondscontractor license bonds, and more.

JW Surety Bonds

Wyoming Trust Company Bond Increase

February 25, 2019

What's the New Surety Bond Requirement? In the state of Wyoming, a new bill titled HB 30 increases the minimum amount of the surety bond required for trust companies from $100,000 to $1 million. The bond is required to secure the costs that the State Banking Commissioner incurs if the trust company …

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JW Surety Bonds

North Carolina Cryptocurrency Bond

August 22, 2018

What's the New Surety Bond Requirement? In North Carolina, money transmitters that handle cryptocurrencies must obtain a cryptocurrency surety bond. The required bond amount will range from $150,000—$250,000, and will vary depending on the applicant. In addition, supplementary insurance will be …

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JW Surety Bonds

Missouri Motor Vehicle Dealer Bond Increase

July 16, 2018

What's the New Surety Bond Requirement? The new Missouri bill, titled SB 707, increases the amount of the license bond required for new motor vehicle franchise dealers, used motor vehicle dealers, powersport dealers, wholesale motor vehicle dealers, trailer dealers, or boat dealers from $25,000 to …

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JW Surety Bonds

CSLB Guide for Contractors

The CSLB (Contractors State License Board) is in charge of regulating the construction industry in California, and protects consumers by ensuring contractors follow all rules pertaining to the health, safety and general welfare of the public. The CSLB was founded in 1929, and now licenses close to …

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JW Surety Bonds

California Marijuana Surety Bond Requirements

April 17, 2018

What Are the New Surety Bond Requirements? The state of California now requires surety bonds in order to obtain three separate license types in relation to the cultivation, manufacturing and selling of cannabis. The required bond amount is $5,000 (which ensures the proper destruction of product), …

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