Veterinarian Insurance

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From being accused of negligence or malpractice when treating a dog to accidentally giving a customer’s animal the wrong type of medicine - there are many risks vets and animal hospitals are exposed to on a daily basis.

And while most accidents aren’t typically a cause for worry - other more serious ones that lead to the injury or even death of an animal can get the animal hospital or vet sued by the customer.

Having animal hospital and vets insurance will shield your business from any financial liabilities that may arise in case of a claim or a lawsuit.

How Much Does Animal Hospital & Veterinarian Insurance Cost?

The cost of your animal hospital and veterinarian insurance for dogs will depend on a range of factors including the size of your business, the cover you decide to take out, the state you operate out of, and more.

The average animal hospital or vet in the United States pays around $40 every month or $480 per year on general liability insurance. This policy provides all the necessary cover to protect your business from claims and lawsuits related to third-party bodily injuries and property damage.

If your animal hospital or veterinary employs staff, then you’ll need worker's compensation insurance. Such a policy will provide financial cover for your employees in case they get sick or injured at their place of work. Anything from their lost wages to rehabilitation costs and hospital and medical bills will be covered.

Business owner’s insurance is also very popular amongst animal hospitals and vets in the U.S. It costs around $45 monthly or $540 per year. This insurance combines general liability insurance and commercial property insurance.

As a medical practitioner for animals - a single mistake can lead to an injury or death to a customer’s animal. And as such - getting professional liability insurance or E&O insurance is essential. It will free your business from any financial responsibilities in case of a lawsuit relating to accusations of negligence or malpractice.

What Types of Insurance Do Animal Hospitals & Veterinarians Need?

Veterinarians and animal hospitals can take advantage of a wide range of insurance policies. The types of insurance you need to take out for your business will depend on the size of it, the state where your business is, the number of staff or company vehicles your business has, and various other similar factors.

Below, you can get a better idea of the most popular animal hospital and veterinarian insurance policies in the United States.

Why Do Animal Hospitals & Veterinarians Need Insurance?

Every medical practitioner - whether for animals or for people is recommended insurance. In the medical field - a single mistake can lead to injuries or even death, and if that were to happen - your business could end up in serious financial and legal trouble.

For instance, if a vet prescribes the wrong type of medication to a dog and its health ends up suffering - the customer can sue the vet and claim damages, medical bills, and other costs associated with the injury of their pet.

And while professional mistakes can be somewhat controlled - poor weather conditions are not, and if your animal hospital or vet clinic gets seriously damaged due to poor weather conditions - without insurance, your business will have to cover all the repair costs out of pocket.

In other cases, animal hospitals and veterinarians simply need to take out a certain level of cover before they are legally allowed to accept and treat any animals.

When your business has an adequate level of cover, no matter what might happen, the insurance company will cover all of your financial liabilities.

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