All medical marijuana growers in Oklahoma must get a cultivation license. This license, commonly referred to as an Oklahoma medical cannabis grower license or medical marijuana grower license, is processed and issued by the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA). All other medical marijuana licenses for processors, dispensaries, and transporters are also issued through this division of the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH).
Read on to find out how to get licensed to sell medical marijuana and cannabis products in Oklahoma. We guide you through everything from license types to the application process so you can get your cannabis licenses with ease.
Types of Cannabis Licenses in Oklahoma
Medical Marijuana Grower License
This is the main license required to grow medical marijuana in the State of Oklahoma—it is the only grow license in Oklahoma. However, depending on business operations, licensed growers may also need supplementary business licenses to legally operate (see list below).
Medical Marijuana Processor License
Required for all licensed processors. Allows a business to process marijuana for medical purposes.
Medical Marijuana Dispensary License
Required for all licensed dispensaries. Allows a dispensary to sell to those licensed to possess medical marijuana for personal use.
Marijuana Research Facility License
Required to operate a cannabis research facility. Allows the licensee to grow, cultivate, possess, and transfer to other licensed research facilities and licensed testing laboratories.
Transporter License
An independent business license that allows licensed growers, processors, dispensaries, and facilities to transport medical marijuana through their licensed transporter agents. This is issued simultaneously with any of the four license types mentioned above.
Transporter Agent License
Required for all transporter agents. Allows them to take possession of and transport medical marijuana or medical marijuana products. For example, moving product from a grow facility to a processor.
Testing Laboratory License
A license that allows labs to perform compliance testing and analysis of marijuana and marijuana products.
Marijuana Education License
Required to train and educate individuals and groups on cultivation, growing, harvesting, marijuana laws, and other marijuana-related topics.
Waste Disposal Facility License
Allows the licensee to dispose of and transport medical marijuana waste.
Requirements to Growing Cannabis in Oklahoma
All Oklahoma medical marijuana licensees must meet the following requirements.
- Age: Be a minimum of 25 years of age.
- Residency: Be a resident of Oklahoma for at least 2 years immediately preceding the application submission date OR have 5 years continuous Oklahoma residency during the 25-year period immediately preceding the application submission date. In addition, 75% of the commercial applicant's ownership interests must be Oklahoma residents.
- Occupation: Not be a sheriff, deputy sheriff, police officer, prosecuting officer, officer or employee of the OMMA, or officer or employee of a municipality where the commercial licensee is located.
- Fees: Pay all the required application and renewal fees.
- Location: Attest that they will not run their grow operation on tribal lands.
- Tax History: Have filed and paid all taxes, interest, and penalties related to any previous medical marijuana businesses.
- Background Check: No disqualifying criminal convictions must exist pursuant to Title 63 O.S. § 420 et seq.
How to Get a Cannabis Grower License in Oklahoma
Step 1: Ensure Your Grow Facility is Compliant
A grow facility must:
- Be at least 1,000 feet from the nearest property line of a public or private school.
- Not be on tribal lands.
Step 2: Get a Marijuana Surety Bond
If an applicant has owned the land on which the grow facility is located for less than 5 years, they are required to get a $50,000 surety bond. For most with good credit, this marijuana surety bond costs approximately 1%-5% of the total bond amount ($500 - $2,500).
Get a free surety bond quote today.
Step 3: Get a Background Check
A background check is an application requirement and can be obtained through the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. They offer both online and in-person services.
Step 4: Fill Out Your License Application
The license application for an Oklahoma grower license is available online. It will ask for basic information such as your name, address, and contact information, as well as:
- Proof of Oklahoma residency, such as an Oklahoma driver's license, Oklahoma identification card, tax returns, utility bills, residential property deeds, etc.
- Proof of identification, such as a copy of a driver's license, state ID, passport, or tribal ID.
- A Certificate of Compliance from the political subdivision that has jurisdiction where the business is located.
- A copy of the Oklahoma Secretary of State's certificate of good standing document.
- Affidavit of Lawful Presence Documentation.
Step 5: Submit Your Application
Send in your application with all supporting documents and fees. Applications are processed within 90 business days.
How Much Does It Cost to Get a Grower License in OK?
It costs anywhere from $2,500 - $50,000 to get a grow license in Oklahoma.
This cost is the license application fee and heavily depends on the size of your grow operation—the more space you want to license to grow in, the more it will cost. Note that for 50 acres or more, the cost is $50,000 plus $250 for each additional acre.
How Many Cannabis Plants Can You Grow Legally in OK?
An individual in OK over the age of 25 and licensed to use medical marijuana (or a caregiver of said person) may grow six mature marijuana plants and six seedlings on personal property. Licensed commercial growers may grow more—how much depends on the amount of space they license when applying for their medical marijuana grower license. All other individuals and businesses are not authorized to grow cannabis plants in Oklahoma as it is illegal for recreational use.
How Long Does It Take for a Growers License to be Issued in OK?
The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) processes all grower licenses within 90 business days.
Is it Mandatory to Have a Surety Bond to Get a Cannabis Grower License in OK?
No, a surety bond isn't always needed to get a cannabis grower license in Oklahoma. A surety bond is not required if the licensee can prove that they have owned the licensed premises for at least 5 years.

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